Who is the best?

It is always funny to me when I am purchasing a product from a salesman and they tell me “ours is the best”. Everything in life has pros and cons and if there was truly any product that was the “best”, then it would be an easy choice. When you go to buy a car, doesn’t that salesman tell you that his is the best? Of course he does, yet there are hundreds of different types of cars on the road. Pools are very much the same. They all have different pros and cons. When we started building pools in 2000, we decided to offer vinyl, fiberglass and concrete pools. Each of these has their pros and cons and we look at our job as salesmen to be educators, not a salesman telling you that we are the “best”. Based upon peoples budgets, yards, water drainage, etc. There are different strokes for different folks. Let us come to your house and share with you our ideas free of cost. If nothing else, we hope that you walk away more educated. We won’t tell you that pools are maintenance free, because that is not the case, based on the type of pools however, some are easier to take care of than others based on type and options in the pool.
One thing that I will say is the “best” is a man named Travis Mills. This I don’t think that many will disagree with. He is a quadruple amputee who lost his limbs when an IED went off in Afghanistan. A truly inspiring keynote speaker with a great sense of humor and who teaches us so many lessons in our lives. travismills.org if you want to read about an inspiring man.