What is Carecraft?

Carecraft is a buying group that Bi-State Pool & Spa is a proud member of. Being one of the first in the area to belong to this group of pool professionals, our motto is to “network – buy better – have fun”. We just got back from another carecraft.com conference. At the meeting, we certainly get humbled by the quality of the builders at these meetings. Living in the midwest, we have never built a multi-million dollar pool for a hollywood star, but if any want to move to St. Louis, I know that through the networking and friendships that we have bound in this group, we would be able to accomplish this task. In addition, we are always firm believers in education and the Genesis 3 group is always at these meetings providing the latest and greatest in marketing trends and building techniques for us to draw upon.
Buying better was always a primary reason for us joining this fine group. When you are able to purchase direct from a manufacturer, you are able to bypass added costs involved in a distributor handling the product. Fortunately, our 18,000 s.f. warehouse allows us to be able to stock many parts and whole goods and the purchasing power allows us to pass along not only great pricing, but quality goods to our customers. Vendors are vetted by the group, so only the best of the best are allowed to be a part of the group in the first place. Every year at an annual conference, we get the opportunity for them to share with us what is new and trending in our industry.
Having fun, well, what isn’t fun about a swimming pool? Ask any swimming pool owner and they will tell you that some of the best family memories come from the back yard.
Happy Swimming!