2016 here we come!

Are you ready for 2016? We have been gearing up for it and have many options available for you this year. Of course, our traditional cleaning packages will be offered again this year. If you haven’t taken advantage of these packages in the past, they are certainly worth a look. We base the packages on an 18 week season, yet many customers extend this out. Our pool openings and pool closings both include 30 minutes of vacuuming time. Our packages include either 9 / 18 or 36 cleanings, which gives you the option of having the pool cleaned for every other week, once a week or twice a week based upon an 18 week season. Additional cleanings are $69. We can certainly customize these packages too. For instance, we have had customers who have been out of town for 2 or 3 weeks and simply want someone to check on their pool a couple times a week. This utilizes “x” number of cleanings then the balance of which they may simply use right before their big holiday party. Our pool cleaners also carry an array of special cleaning devices to make the clean up better and faster. For instance, after that big storm, a leaf catcher allows the pool to be cleaned much faster without clogging up your filter system.
In addition to the packages, which include opening and closings with them, we will again offer cleaning and storing of covers, chemical packages, etc. Some great new products coming down the pike… have you ever wanted to watch a movie inside of your pool? Or have your school logo projected on the slope of your deep end? Pentair Pool products is coming out with projector based lights in 2016 which will do just that, they project images or video clips directly onto the floor of your pool. This is just a tease into what we will be offering in 2016. Look for your pool opening letter to come out soon or feel free to contact us to request one. Happy Swimming!