Bi-State Pool & Spa, St. Louis Pool Builder and Service Provider, New Web Presence
St. Louis Pool Builder, New Web Presence

Thank you for visiting our new web presence. Bi-State Pool and Spa is a St. Louis area pool builder serving St. Louis County, St. Charles County, & Lincoln County, and the surrounding communities, who would love to help you with your pool project. Bi-State Pool & Spa builds beautiful backyards with one principle in mind: Read More
Filters Vs. Socks
I like to give analogies to help people understand swimming pools. Often, when talking about cartridge filters, I start thinking about my socks. I have all sorts of socks. Some are thin, some are thick and wow! Do I ever have a favorite pair of socks that I love to wear! I started Read More
Tech Note: “Hey Alexa, fix my pump”
How we wish it were that easy. With today’s equipment, programming schedules and understanding software becomes much more important. Just like televisions, microwaves, refrigerators, etc., all of our equipment tends to have computers matched to them. In some ways, this proves to be great, but in some ways, it tends to cause more issues. It Read More