
Consumer Resources

Who is the best?

Who is the best?

It is always funny to me when I am purchasing a product from a salesman and they tell me “ours is the best”.  Everything in life has pros and cons and if there was truly any product that was the “best”, then it would be an easy choice.  When you go to buy a car, Read More


This is the time of year that we start to fill up our re-surfacing schedule.  Every year someone calls and says “well thank God I called in early May so that my pool can be re-plastered before the end of the month”… Well, no so much.  In fact, our suggestion is that if you need Read More

Pool openings / packages are here!

Pool openings / packages are here!

If you haven’t gotten an e-mail from us on pool openings / packages and closings,, please feel free to check our website at and look under the service tab for various options.  We have always included 30 minutes of vacuuming in our basic pool openings, but we have added a new option this year Read More

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