

Salt Chlorine Generator

Salt Chlorine Generator

I want a salt pool!  Wow we hear that a lot… we also hear “I don’t want a chlorine pool, I want a salt pool”.  That is when the education starts.  I always like to use simplistic terms, so as basic as possible, we ask folks if they remember in chemistry back in high school, Read More

Things that make you go hmmm!

Things that make you go hmmm!

So over the last 30 years of being in this business (22 years owning Bi-State), I have been filled with countless points of useless knowledge.  Now don’t ask me to play trivia with you unless you like coming in last place, because most of my trivia is completely useless. I thought a fun fact given Read More

Energy Savings

Let’s talk energy savings… In your house right now, what type of light bulbs do you have in your fixtures?  Have you replaced your furnace in the last 20 years?  How about your refrigerator?  The reason we replace these items is because although the initial cost may be high (LED light bulbs cost 5 times Read More

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