
What is Carecraft?

What is Carecraft?

Carecraft is a buying group that Bi-State Pool & Spa is a proud member of.  Being one of the first in the area to belong to this group of pool professionals, our motto is to “network – buy better – have fun”.  We just got back from another conference.  At the meeting, we certainly Read More

Who is the best?

Who is the best?

It is always funny to me when I am purchasing a product from a salesman and they tell me “ours is the best”.  Everything in life has pros and cons and if there was truly any product that was the “best”, then it would be an easy choice.  When you go to buy a car, Read More

Price increases

Price increases

So do you think pool companies get asked “what do you do during the winter?”  The answer is all the time!  Fortunately, our clientele is very diverse and a collection of residential and commercial customers.  A commercial account usually cannot say “close my pool down for a week and re-surface it” during the middle of Read More

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