Pool Closing
Pool Closing Services for St. Charles County, St. Louis County, Lincoln County, & Surrounding Areas

Deluxe Pool Closing
- Pool is vacuumed and lowered to proper water level
- Chemicals are added (sanitizer / pH adjustment / algaecide)
- System lines are blown with air and antifreeze added
- Ladders / handrails removed
- Cover installed
- Follow up service call December – January to lower water level (if needed) and adjust / replenish chemicals (algaecide / sanitizer / pH adjust)
- Some customers subject to $105 trip charge outside of service perimeter

Standard Pool Closing
- Chemicals are added (sanitizer / pH adjustment / algaecide)
- System lines are blown with air and antifreeze added
- Ladders / handrails removed
- Cover installed
- Some customers subject to $100 trip charge outside of service perimeter

Partial Closing
- Lines are blown out, antifreeze added and plugs installed / remove plugs as needed to pumps / filters / feeders, etc.
- Customer is responsible for dropping water level 2-4" below skimmers, covering pool, adding winterization chemicals / algaecide, removing ladders and vacuuming pool
- Some customers subject to $100 trip charge outside of service perimeter

Prices: | |
Deluxe Pool Closing | $680.00 |
Standard Pool Closing | $500.00 |
Partial Closing | $370.00 |
Spa Closing – Same Equipment as Pool | $210.00 |
Spa Closing – Separate Equipment From Pool | $335.00 |
Commercial Closing | Call For Prices |