March is proving to be true to it’s name… MAD. We have had some crazy weather in March and temperatures have proven to be warmer than expected this year. The forecast for the upcoming days is for up to 6+ inches of rain. This will obviously have a negative impact on our construction schedule as this is typically “go time” for our spring projects. Fortunately, we have some great indoor projects we are currently working on which will keep our guys rolling along and hopefully get these indoor projects completed sooner than budgeted. This week also marks the first week that we begin to open pools. Not that the people intend to swim in them (at least I don’t think so), but often our customers open their pools early simply so that they can few them and listen to their water features while enjoying time in their yard. As we get closer to Easter, more and more people will want their pools opened and by next week, we should be in full swing with multiple crews opening pools. Remember that with the warmer temperatures this year and heavy rains, this typically is a good recipe for foul water under your pool cover. So if you want to be swimming on a Saturday, don’t schedule your opening for the day before. Often it may take a week of circulation / backwashing the filter and cleaning the pool just to get ready for swimming season.
For all you basketball fans, don’t neglect that pool during basketball time! March Madness is a great time to be thinking about your pool plans this summer… renovations, tile, coping, plaster, etc. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Swimcerely – The Bi-State Pool & Spa Team